Top 3 best blackjack tips

Top 3 Best Blackjack Tips

3 Tips to Win Big in Blackjack

Blackjack is a widely played game – be it online or in real life casinos. It is rather popular as it is not very difficult to learn how to play this game. All you need to know to be able to play this game is to be able to add up to 21. It may sound like it is rather simple and straightforward, but there is so much more to learn if you want to tip the casino’s edge to your favour.

There are many strategies involving this game but compiled here are some of the best blackjack tips to help you out with your game. Make sure to take these tips to heart and utilize them to enhance the way you play in order to maximize your winnings the next time you play at the casino.


Top 3 Best Blackjack Tips
Top 3 Best Blackjack Tips


Become adept at basic strategies

To become more than a casual player who just plays for the fun of it and starts earning serious bucks at the casino, you will need to be adept at the basic strategies of blackjack. Make sure to check out various websites and books that are dedicated to blackjack, read up on them as much as possible. It is important to know what the best approach is to play all different sorts of hand that you may be dealt with and how to play it against the dealer upcard.

For example, say you are dealt with two nines. It is a good move to split those when playing against cards such as 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, or 9. Then, stand on either a 7, 10 or an ace. By abiding with these basic strategies flawlessly, you are able to lower the casino’s edge to around 0.5 per cent, which is the best bet one can get in the casino.


Double down

Those who have already mastered the basic strategies definitely have the knowledge of when to exercise this option when playing blackjack. By doubling down, the player is allowed to double the bet and receive one card. There are more scenarios where this is a good bet to make aside from just holding 9, 10, or 11.

In a scenario where the player has a soft 17 (ace-6), it is generally wise to double it when facing against a dealer’s 4, 5, or 6. It may not appear to be much of a huge advantage by just doubling the original bet, however, when looking at it from the long term perspective, what determines whether your night is winning or losing might just come down to simply winning these bets mentioned.


Splitting your aces

Splitting 10s may be a big no-no, but splitting aces is definitely one of the best tips you can get. Ignoring this tip will likely result in a loss. You will stake another wager when splitting for the second hand, you will then be dealt a card for the first and you have the choice whether to stand or to hit.

This will be similar for the second hand. If in a situation where another one of the same cards is received by the player, there are certain casinos which let the player split. It is quite likely for blackjack as there are quite a number of cards that are valued at 10. Adding in eights and nines into the equation, there is also a high possibility for the player to draw two winning hands rather than only one. This is a sure way to maximize your wins in the long term.


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