Beginner Guide: Blackjack Official Rules Explained

Beginner Guide: Blackjack Official Rules Explained

Beginner Guide: Blackjack Official Rules Explained

Blackjack is a card game that is played in  most casinos whether online or offline. In this game, you do not play against other players, but against the dealer. The dealer here represents the house, and in every casino game, the house always have a very thin edge. However, with the right blackjack strategy and bonuses in place, the edge flips to favor the player.



There are several rules governing the blackjack game. Some of the basic rules are considered below:

  1. Card value rule: in the blackjack game, every card has a value attached to itself except for the picture cards which are the king(K), the queen(Q) and the jacke(J). These picture cards are valued 10. The ace card can either be valued at 1 or 11. The values of the other cards are as printed on them.
  2. Chip value rule: casinos use standardized chip colors, for example white £5 chips, green £25, black £100 chips, black £500 chips and orange £1000 chips.
  3. Rules for placing bets: you smust get all your bets in before any cards are dealt when playing offline blackjack or live dealer blackjack. This rule is not applicable to online blackjack though, since you control when the cards are dealt.
  4. Odds/payout rule: in blackjack, getting a 21 pays out 3:2 which is indicated on the table most times. There are other blackjack variations in which landing a blackjack pays 1:1, so as to offset other rules that are more favorable to players.
  5. Hold cards with one hand rule: some players tamper with their cards and use two hands to handle dealt cards. This rule states that you stick with your dominant hand and you shouldn’t remove cards from the table.
  6. Leave face up cards alone rule: players feeling nervous or fidgety may feel inclined to rotate, flip or fiddle with their cards. However, the rule has it that you should not disturb the cards that have been dealt with face up.
  7. Don’t hand bets to the dealer: the correct process of placing a bet is by simply placing your chips on the table. Even though a dealer might be happy to help you, they still do not have the authority to place chips down on your behalf.
  8. Hit or stand rule: a player can decline any additional cards with a “stand”. A player can also stand when the point value is between 16 and 21.
  9. Blackjack surrender rule: some casinos allows players to cut their losses by surrendering half their bets after the initial deal. An early surrender allows the player to surrender when a 10 or a face card is drawn without checking the hole card for blackjack.